About This Game Elium - Prison Escape is a skill-based swordfighting action roguelite in a medieval setting.Play in First and 3rd Person view with shooter-like controls, in a challenging and unforgiving prison environment with the main goal of finding an escape.Take the role of Jarren Sorengar, a master swordsman seeing his days pass as a weary war prisoner. Time has come to meet fate, find an escape or die in the attempt.Key Features:1stPerson / 3rdPerson melee action combatFight with a sword, equip a shield, use your fists or even resort to fight with objects around you.Reactive Combat AIEngage with zealous prison guards that use the same moves as the player, making for a tense and challenging experience.Action and Stealth playing stylesHide in the shadows, turn off lights and sneak past enemies, or take your opponents by force.Alone or with helpExplore and fight on your own or rescue other prisoners to aid in your escape.Random dungeon generationExperience a new level layout on every play, on a series of hand-crafted areas assembled procedurally. 7aa9394dea Title: Elium - Prison EscapeGenre: Action, Indie, RPGDeveloper:Lone Artisan GamesPublisher:Lone Artisan GamesRelease Date: 28 Feb, 2018 Elium - Prison Escape Torrent Download [Keygen] elium prison escape download. elium prison escape. elium prison escape review. elium - prison escape скачать. elium prison escape gameplay. elium prison escape pc. elium prison escape requisitos. elium prison escape requisitos. helium prison escape recensione. elium prison escape trainer. elium prison escape steam. elium prison escape download. helium prison escape recensione. elium prison escape game. elium prison escape pc. elium prison escape gameplay. elium prison escape trainer. elium prison escape steam. elium prison escape review. elium prison escape. elium - prison escape скачать. elium prison escape game I may expand this later but I wanted to get it up here.This is not a good game. Its janky, its sparse, and the gameplay loop is literally just find a guy to stab and see if he has any money or slightly better armor than you. The animations and graphics combine to make it look like your fighting possesed manakins that shout at you in a language that may or may not be real. You can dismember them, but it seems to be totally random as to when and how it happens.So why do I recommend it? Because despite, and in fact probably because of, these things the game is fun. Its stupid, low budget fun. It's like a Godzilla movie or Deep Space from Plan 9. Its objectively bad but it makes you laugh and you enjoy the time you spend with it.You may want to buy it on sale though. Or just avoid if you cant appreciate terrible things. But I know I can.EDIT: The developer is legitimately actively working on improving this game, and I want to say again this game is F.U.N. fun. I've put the time I have on this because I enjoy it. It really is money well spent.. The game has a good idea but a bad story if even there is its like the same enemy same combat same everything its not fun and its not a game that you will play and then after a day you would comeback to ,I hope for the best for you (:. Great idea. the game is fun but it has a big problem about control even just simple move like forward backward it still hard. i refunded hope it better im sure im gonna buy it again when the game is ready to play. While this game is an interesting concept, it isn't very well executed. The controls are a bit clunky, combat feels stiff and unresponsive and the AI leaves a lot to be desired. This feels a lot like an early access title. There isn't a whole lot of content to speak of. It calls itself "randomly generated" but it's just a collection of a few dozen pre-made rooms cobbled together. The subtitles don't actually work, and the speech isn't in English, for the most part. The only redeeming quality is the graphics, which aren't bad. All in all, I'd give this game a 4\/10.. Severe lack of systems and variety. All enemies are of the same type and look the same, most of the equip you'll get will be theirs. Progress is also more watching numbers increase.Combat is in the vein of warband, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Chivalry and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, but less mechanically deep than any of them. It severely needs either more systems or more variety, for example ranged weaponry, weapon throwing, maybe some special moves or grappling. The process of progressing through the game gets old rather quick. You move to a room and kill a guard or later on more. You loot them, switch your equipment out with theirs if theirs has higher numbers and check if they have a cell key. If they do, you free the room's prisoner and equip him with the stuff the guard had on him and then move to the next room. Rinse and repeat. The rooms are structurally varied but the only difference between them really is whether or not there is something you can kick your enemy into to instakill him. This could be improved by adding opportunities to interact with the levels more, perhaps in the form of environmental hazards you can trigger to kill your enemies, as you could in DMoM&M.TL;DR: Game is mechanically shallow and rather repetitive, you should probably get Dark Messiah of Might and Magic instead, as it is available for about 10 bucks on Steam. Not recommended as you can get titles like Into the Breach for the same amount of money and get way more for it.. I stumbled upon this game by chance and being a fan of the stealth action genre, decided to give it a shot.The combat system was a pleasant surprise in it's simplicity and emulation of actual combat. There are no flashy moves, lengthy\/scripted combat sequences or any overt attempt to impress you, but the down to earth mechanics on how to land a blow or the encouraged timely use of parries\/sidestepping has it's own charm if implemented correctly.Having said that, Elium also provides a challenging environment to play through as there are no healing features other than a small boost upon completing a level. This has been frustrating at times, but ultimately I felt that this added to the challenging nature to which I ended up feeling positive about. Gameplay therefore became an interesting management between assassinations, stealth passthroughs and in the last resort quick paced melee combat where you have to be very careful as your health will not replenish much during playthroughs.It is, however, a relatively short game with only 9 levels, replay value would rely on whether you liked the combat system and would like to complete the challenging achievements or score up in the endless mode.Lastly, it's important to keep in mind that its aimed to be a simple game and where it chose to focus, it does its job relatively well. Patch v1.04.04: A new patch is available for Elium - Prison Escape.This patch is a bugfix and maintenance update with a few optimizations.Here's the full Changelog:Improvement: Improved companion AI logic for looting corpses after the player loots themImprovement: Improved arm positioning of AI companions when looting corpsesOptimization: Small CPU character optimizationsOptimization: Improved object and drawcall count on Supplies Room level sectionBugfix: Fixed level background appearing corrupted in Horde, Tutorial and Training levelsBugfix: Fixed Tavern Brawl tooltip not indicating the unlock objective clearlyBugfix: Fixed Motion Blur affecting the player model when turning the camera quicklyBugfix: Fixed a rare case of AI characters appearing with a weapon in the offhandRemember to report any bugs as per the how-to forum post: https://steamcommunity.com/app/680330/discussions/0/1697167168515595175/. Official website launched!: Today marks the launch of the website of Elium - Prison Escape, the official source for all things related to the game.So head over to http://www.eliumgame.com/ for all the latest info. Patch v1.02.00: A new patch is now available for Elium - Prison Escape.This update features a major revamp to combat animations, with most animations either completely redone from motion captured sources or as improvements over the previous ones, as well as improvements to the entire animation system.Additionally a number of smaller graphical improvements, optimizations and bugfixes are included.Here's the full Changelog:Improvement: Animation revamp - replaced most combat animations from motion captured sources, or improved the existing onesImprovement: Greatly improved shadow 'contact' tightnessImprovement: Reduced shadow lines (shadow acne) on sharp light-angle surfacesImprovement: Improved ambient lighting around lightsImprovement: Improved blending of directional movement animationsImprovement: Improved feet placement when turning in placeImprovement: Improved blending out of attack animationsImprovement: Improved vertical aim arm rotationsImprovement: Reduced the camera rotation inertia applied after a missed attack, removed it from missed shield attacksImprovement: Breakable objects can now be smashed with weapons and punchesImprovement: Improved sharpness of textures in the distanceImprovement: Improved impact recoils when blocking with a shield or parrying with a weaponOptimization: Small performance optimization on level geometry shaderOptimization: Small performance optimization on hair shaderBugfix: Fixed camera position glitching slightly during combat (while parrying, being hit or pushed)Bugfix: Fixed parry being unresponsive after successfully landing a hitBugfix: Fixed parry being unresponsive after having an attack blocked or parried by the enemyBugfix: Fixed interrupted attacks sometimes still causing damageBugfix: Fixed Dodge move not cancelling attacksBugfix: Fixed Training mode having damage enabledBugfix: Fixed InstaGib mode affecting the TutorialBugfix: Fixed Unlockables not working on a new game after having loaded a saved gameBugfix: Fixed attacks' aiming being slightly inconsistent when using Character Quality Setting to LowBugfix: Fixed shadow leaking on 'Lowest' ShadowQuality settingBugfix: Fixed Level 8 outdoor meshes getting culled too early when using the lowest View Distance settingBugfix: Fixed camera glitch when throwing grabbed objectsBugfix: Fixed AI characters being able to attack while still unsheathing their weaponBugfix: Fixed animation glitch on AI characters while unsheathing their weaponBugfix: Fixed AI getting way too close to their enemy while attackingRemember to report any bugs as per the how-to forum post: https://steamcommunity.com/app/680330/discussions/0/1697167168515595175/. Patch v1.00.20: A new patch is now available for Elium - Prison Escape.This update features bugfixes and improvements for performance and stability, AI and pathfinding, and numerous graphical and movement glitches.Here's the full Changelog:Improvement: Pushing companion prisoners out of the way is now more effectiveImprovement: Companion prisoners are now more reactive to enemiesImprovement: Cell Doors leading to empty areas are now marked as barred and cannot be openedImprovement: Player's hands now close to fists when in combat while doing stealthImprovement: Minor pathfinding improvementsImprovement: Minor balancingOptimization: Improved combat hit detection performance significantlyOptimization: Character code and physics performance improvementsBugfix: Fixed a load game issue that would corrupt the inventoryBugfix: Fixed many cases of companions getting lost behind (still happens but less frequently)Bugfix: Fixed camera and player character sinking when near ledgesBugfix: Fixed prisoners getting startled inside their cells from combat happenning outsideBugfix: Fixed incorrect rotation on AI characters leading to moonwalkingBugfix: Fixed legs looking broken on characters that are far awayBugfix: Fixed wrong walk animation played on characters that are far awayBugfix: Fixed companions running at half speed under some circumstancesBugfix: Fixed sword attack-left animation sometimes being offsetBugfix: Fixed first prisoner jittering while lockpicking the player's doorBugfix: Fixed guards walking "in place" when looking around a fallen corpse Bugfix: Fixed companion prisoners looking really short after a map transitionBugfix: Fixed companion prisoners looking like guards after a map transitionBugfix: Fixed companion prisoners being able to take Keys to the next levelBugfix: Fixed dead characters appearing to stand in some situationsBugfix: Fixed some blood appearing with Blood&Gore turned offBugfix: Fixed tutorial first guard hearing the player before getting to the stealth areaBugfix: Fixed pathfinding errors in several roomsBugfix: Fixed hallway with decorative stairs having a gate that can be lockpicked and lead to the voidBugfix: Fixed water splash particles appearing at a wrong heightBugfix: Fixed prisoners picking up torches. Patch v1.04.00: A new patch is now available for Elium - Prison Escape.This patch features a big content update including the inclusion of health potions, two handed swords, and several level improvements.Additionally a number of smaller graphical improvements, optimizations and bugfixes are included.Here's the full Changelog:New Feature: Added Two-handed swordsNew Feature: Added Health potionsImprovement: Added Lamps as light sources to some levelsImprovement: Added 8 new room variationsImprovement: Added more decoration to some roomsImprovement: Modified character faces to be more distinct and variedImprovement: Improved AI for guards when searching for the playerImprovement: Added AI behavior to search around open doorsImprovement: Added AI prisoner behavior to loot corpses to improve their gear as long as the player doesn't need itImprovement: Improved logic for light and darkness visibility toward AIsImprovement: Added animation for guards when searchingImprovement: Improved hand weapon grip in animationsImprovement: Improved parry animations for axe and mace weaponsImprovement: UI Crosshair's Stealth visibility indicator now also shows visibility as affected by player movement and player noisesImprovement: Improved logic for distributing random loot into guards and chestsImprovement: Changed Candles so they don't require a Torch Extinguisher to put offImprovement: Candles can now be put out (without any items)Improvement: Improved character hair lightingImprovement: Reduced the filesize of game savesImprovement: Rebalanced the frequency of AI kicksOptimization: Improved rendering performance of character head shaderBugfix: Fixed amount of Jarren's possessions not displayed on the savegame list and not computing upon the final scoreBugfix: Fixed characters not being able to fall off ledgesBugfix: Fixed characters unintentionally falling off ledges when attacking or kickingBugfix: Fixed AI characters floating when performing a dodgeBugfix: Fixed AI losing track of their enemy when standing on a ledgeBugfix: Fixed AI characters' legs glitching when turningBugfix: Fixed AI movement glitching when fightingBugfix: Fixed player's legs sometimes appearing turned when opening the inventory after rotating the viewBugfix: Fixed character feet placement getting disabled unintentionallyBugfix: Fixed weapon swing sound not getting interrupted when an attack is interruptedBugfix: Fixed one of Jarren's possessions not always having a spot to appearBugfix: Fixed fracturable objects not being fracturableBugfix: Fixed some engine warnings caused by scabbards attempting to create attack swing trailsRemember to report any bugs as per the how-to forum post: https://steamcommunity.com/app/680330/discussions/0/1697167168515595175/
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